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wardrobe makeover

How To Give Your Closet A Makeover in 5 Simple Steps

Is this you?

With warmer weather finally upon us, it’s time to pack up the parkas and bring out the tank tops!

After an entire season (the weather kind, not the Netflix kind) spent cuddled up watching other people master the wardrobe makeover, your closet might be leaving you feeling pretty underwhelmed. Marie Kondo and Clea, and Joanna have only thrown fuel on the fire.

Not sure where to start? Carrot’s got you covered.

How do I plan a wardrobe makeover?

There are plenty of benefits to revamping your closet. Whether you’re hoping to simplify your daily life and routine or just want to change up your look, it’s never a bad idea to revamp your closet! Luckily for us, a style makeover doesn’t mean starting over. We all have those pieces we’re less than willing to get rid of, as well you should. There’s plenty of potential in your closet, ready to be re-imagined! Here are five tips to help you through your style makeover.

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1. No right, no wrong, no rules for me… Let it go

When Elsa’s right, she’s right.

Clutter disrupts mental health – Psychology Today told us so. If your closet feels cluttered, it doesn’t matter why… it’s time to let it go. Sometimes it’s as simple as tossing the trusty old leggings that haven’t seen daylight in over a year.

Embrace the end of terrible trends – toss it when it’s over. Style is evolutionary. We are not meant to have the same look we had years ago! Make space for your new favorites. Free yourself AND the space at the back of the drawer.

2. Systematize and categorize

Organizing sweaters

There are countless ways to organize a closet! You might need to do a little experimenting to see what works best for you. Manage your wardrobe makeover by creating systems that simplify your process. There are two main considerations when it comes to a system that works year round: zones and categories.


Most used

Sweaters in winter, T’s for summer.

Lightly used

Think sweaters for summer. You want to keep a couple accessible, but you don’t need these to be the first thing you see.


You’re only getting in there for a special event or a freak weather incident.

Organize your zones into categories if it speaks to you. You might organize your ‘Most Used’ items by type, color, or occasion – whatever it works for you!



The most obvious approach. If your wardrobe makeover results in a super versatile selection of interchangeable pieces, this is probably for you. If space is an issue, box up the cold weather wear and store it until next season. This way, you will only be sorting through weather-appropriate options for most of the year.


Maybe your work clothes are entirely different than your play clothes. Separating your business casual from your Sunday sweats means compartmentalizing for your sanity


If The Home Edit is your jam, you’ve probs already considered a color-coding system. If that calms your soul, chase that rainbow!

Like pieces

Tshirts with tshirts, sweaters with sweaters – you see where we’re going with this!

Deep clean.

DO NOT. I repeat. DO NOT put your beautifully organized clothes back into an unvacuumed closet. Get after that spring clean and go for a detailed clean. Wipe the walls, clean the floors and shelves, and leave no dust bunnies behind!

4. Make it attractive.

organized closet

Now that your closet is squeaky clean and ready to reload, take one last look. Does your closet need some sprucing?

Staying organized doesn’t come easy for all of us. If you’re looking to establish new habits to keep your wardrobe makeover looking good long after week one, James Clear has some solid advice to make your habit change permanent: Make it attractive. If your closet is underwhelming, your enthusiasm to keep it tidy may be hard to come by.

We’re not trying to talk you into a total home makeover, but consider a splash of paint, a new light fixture, boxes, and bins, or even labels – whatever keeps you on track. Make your closet feel as good as you do in your new clothes!

5. Fill in the gaps.

Categories and zones will show you where your wardrobe is lacking. Maybe your pants sparked no joy, and now you’re in desperate need. It can be super overwhelming to imagine buying an all-new style wardrobe at one time.

What about a wardrobe makeover on a budget?

  • Secondhand shopping is a trend we can all get behind. It’s not only budget-friendly, but the environment benefits as well.
  • Create some style rules to keep your collection focused. Consider creating a fashion mood board (insert carrot link?) for inspiration.
  • Recycle and reinvent your pieces. A simple tweak with a belt, jewelry, shoes, jacket, or bottoms can easily create new looks with the same pieces.

Use Carrot to bring it all together.

Whether you’re looking for some sleek new hangers or an all-new wardrobe, Carrot has your back.

Carrot is the chrome extension that collects and keeps track of your shopping carts from across the web – all in one place! From planning, to buying, to organizing, Carrot can make the process seamless. Imagine creating entire collections and organizing them into your new closet categories BEFORE you buy. Carrot eliminates the hassle of returns and buyer’s remorse ‘cause you already know it’s the piece you need.

Gotta get your bestie’s opinion before you hit ‘buy now’? We feel you. Send your collections to friends and family to view, or even collaborate on your wardrobe makeover!

Organize and shop mindfully!

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